Friday, October 9, 2009

Libertarian... what?

Even heard about the word Libertarian? Well, probably not. Most people have no clue on what a libertarian is, so as a result of not having anything else to talk about, I'm going to inform you, the reader, on what a Libertarian is. I assuming that you heard of republicans and democrats, so try to think of a Libertarian as a hybrid. In general, a Libertarian strongly supports economic freedom while also supporting liberal points of view on social issues; such as gay marriage, legalize drugs, abortions, etc. Even though that sounds good on paper, both parties are pissed off when they hear about how a libertarian votes. A libertarian won't support welfare programs, public healthcare, raising taxes, etc. Classical republican right? Not exactly. A libetarian also is in favor of removing the ban on drugs, getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan, legalizing gay marriage and polygamy, etc. So if you really want an idea of what a Libertarian supports is personal freedom. People should do whatever he or she desires as long as it doesn't impede on someone else's life. People often confuse the difference between an anarchist and a libertarian because libertarians seem to want no government. But the truth is, libertarians do want some government. Libertarians only want governement to enusre our saftey if we get invaded from another country and protect us (police) from bad people within our country. But libertarians do believe in some pollution laws because there is no incentive to be clean. So what party do you affliate with? On what issues do you disagree about Libertarians? As a side note, I hope I didn't bore you with my choice of topic because I know most people have no interest in politics.


  1. Ha first of all this did not bore me, I am actually interested in hearing about politics. In high school we were required to take a class called American Citizenship which i thought i would dread but ended up absolutely loving. In that class was the first time I had heard of a Libertarian. I do like quite a few of their views since I consider myself a Liberal but some are kinda out there, for example not supporting health care. What!?!

  2. very insitefull i am not into poloticas very much but i dont mind reading peoples veiws... very nice
