Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Last Blog

As my last blog, I want to reflect on my semester at Western. I would have done my "I Believe" essay, but I can't copy and paste it to the blog box. Coming to Western, I didn't know what to expect. I wasn't really nervous, but the uncertainty had me uneasy. As a surprise, adapting to western wasn't all that bad. In high school, I took some tough classes because I thought I was going to go to a four year college. During my senior year though, I decided that I wanted to be a cop because being a cop would like a great job, so I decided to go to Western. The tough classes I took in high school paid off big time. College Prep. Writing in high school helped me write essays in this class, Written Comm. Taking sociology in high school obviously helped me in Sociology at western and taking Govt. in high school helped a lot because I pretty much knew everything that intro to govt had to offer at Western. I didn't like Govt. in high school cause my teacher was extremely hard and make us memorize a million things. Anyways, I want say that Written Comm. was great and doing blogs wasn't so bad as well. As I look to the future, I hope everything goes as smoothly as this semester and I wish you all good luck in the future and hopefully you will get your degree and that nice job that you worked hard for.

1 comment:

  1. Well, as far as my first semester goes, I enjoyed it. I had fun in almost all of my classes. I didn't really take anything in high school except for speech, a couple of writing assignments in English, and advanced geometry with trig. I'm looking forward to next semester. I just ordered $335 in books yesterday and I'm not looking forward to paying for next semester either.
    Thanks for continually posting and not quitting.
